Sunday 25 September 2011

Race and Universities

Is it wrong to have an all-Black student dormitory at University? What about an all-White dormitory? 
Yes, it is wrong. To pair students together who are generally all at the same level of intelligence (ie. all were smart enough to get in to the university) and are of the same age with those of similar race does not seem necessary or fair. Why does the color of one's skin matter? The mix of different people from cultures and backgrounds is one of the great things about university, people get to know other people that are unlike anyone they have ever met before. Having an all white or an all black dormitory is ridiculous; people are just people and college students are just college students, the color of their skin should not matter and everyone's differences should be celebrated rather than judged and grouped together.

The integration of Ole Miss University, Mississippi. James Meredith, October 1st, 1962

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