Sunday 2 October 2011

Personal Opinions on the N Word

1. Do you have a word that hurts deep? (if not, why do you think that is?)

      Something that hurts me and has hurt me since I was little is the word 'brat'. It's nothing too serious, and it's not necessarily an incredibly insulting word nor is it a racial slur, but for some reason, whenever I hear it it makes me really upset. Hearing it from my parents when they would get mad at me is probably the root of this feeling. Something I always tried my hardest to do when I was growing up was to be the opposite of a brat because the word brat comes off as selfish to me. I've always found greater pleasure in doing things for other people than taking things for myself, and because of all the effort I put in doing this, it hurts the most when someone uses that word to describe me. 
2. How will you treat the word ‘n*****’ (or other racial epithets) going forward?

      The word will continue to disgust me; I don't think that I can simply forget about that feeling. I think the best way I could handle it is to stay neutral and not pick sides. I have never actually met someone who has used the word freely in conversation, but that's not to say I won't in the future of course. 
3. Do you think you have the word in you (there is no right or wrong answer to this)?

      No, I honestly believe that I don't have the word in me. I even changed the wording in question 2 by starring out the word. I have never said it and I refuse to ever use it. 

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